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Self-Clearing: directions to major Customs offices

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Below is a list of Canada’s major inland Customs offices for the purpose of self-clearing your goods. If you are importing personal effects you will need to present yourself to one of these offices once your shipment arrives in Canada. The list contains only inland ports as we do not recommend self-clearing at the border. If the office you are looking for is not in the table below you can search the CBSA’s online directory:

Further information on self-clearing can be obtained by contacting Customs directly: 800-461-9999


Montreal (Ocean Imports)

Hours: 7:45-4:30 pm M-F

400 Place Youville

Montreal QC  H2Y 2C2



Hours: 8-4 pm M-F

65 Canterbury Street

Saint John NB  E2L 2C7


Montreal (Highway-Air Imports)

Hours: 7:45-5 pm M-F

2200 Reverchon Avenue

Room 296

Dorval QC  H9P 2S7


Toronto (Ocean)

Hours: 8:30-4:30 pm M-F

1 Front Street West

C.P. Box 10, Station A,

Toronto ON  M5J 2X5


Toronto (Highway-Air Imports)

Hours: 24/7

2720 Britannia Road East,

P.O. Box 40, AMF,

Toronto ON  L4W 2P7



Hours: 8-4 pm M-F

1821 Wellington Avenue

Unit 130

Winnipeg MB  R3H 0G4



Hours: 8-4 pm M-F

175 Aero Way North East

Unit 162

Calgary AB  T2E 6K2



Hours: 8-4 pm M-F

100-1727 35th Avenue East

Edmonton International Airport AB  T9E 0V6



Hours: 8 – 4 pm M-F

1611 Main street

412-4th Floor

Vancouver BC  V6A 2W5

Customs Clearing Gifts and Personal Effects

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Border Bee receives many calls from distressed Canadians looking for an explanation as to why their personal property is being held by Customs. Here are some answers to the most common questions.

Customs 395 in Old Montreal

Customs in Old Montreal

Why are my personal effects being held by Customs?

The unfortunate reality is that many people lie to Customs. All too frequently, goods that were purchased are labelled as ‘gifts’ or ‘personal effects’ to avoid duties and taxes. This is a sore point with Customs. The real cost of this dishonesty may not be the government’s lost revenue but the burden placed on honest Canadians who must prove that their property is not subject to tax or restriction. There is also the possibility that within your personal effects are items restricted in Canada that Customs has a responsibility to prevent from entering the country.

Do I have to go to Customs to clear my effects?

Yes. Alternatively, you may provide a relative with ‘written authority’ to represent you to Customs in order to obtain clearance for your articles. This relative will show the authority when they arrive at the Customs office. It may also be wise to provide them with a copy of your passport or driver’s license.*

What qualifies as ‘personal effects’?

Did you buy the goods? Do you have a receipt? If the answer to these questions is ‘no,’ then you are likely importing personal effects. Personal effects require you to self-clear and report directly to the CBSA, where you will complete this form and answer any additional questions Customs might have about what the personal effects contain.

Personal effects typically take the form of:

  • items bequeathed by a foreign relative
  • personal property used during a period abroad for more than a year
  • property imported by settlers or seasonal residents

Do I have to self-clear my gift?

If it is in fact a gift–meaning that you did not purchase the item and no one purchased it for you–then yes, you must self-clear the item and report directly to the CBSA. The reason for this precaution is that many gifts may have been sent by the shipper in return for a consideration that Customs would consider taxable. The threshold for importing gifts tax-free is $60.

For information on how to self-clear your gifts or personal effects, see here. The process for self-clearing personal effects and purchases are the same and require you to report to the Customs office where your goods are being held.

*If you live very far from the Customs office and do not have a relative who can represent you at the port, you can try your luck by calling the CBSA’s BIS line: 800-461-9999 (inside Canada).

Good Luck!

How to Activate your Business Number for Importing

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If you have a business, regardless of its size, you are likely already registered with the CRA for payroll or income tax. If your business is importing for the first time, you will need to contact the CRA to activate this business number specifically for import/export.

To activate your business number, simply call the CRA hotline at 800-959-5525. You will want to do this before your shipment arrives in Canada to avoid delays or additional bonding charges during the shipment of your merchandise.

What is a business number?

It must start with the numbers ‘8,’ ‘7,’ or ‘1’ and be nine-digits long. It will also be followed by an ‘account identifier’: RC, RT, or RM. It is the same number used to report payroll and income tax to the CRA. Also known as an ‘importer number’ or ‘BN.’

E.g. of a business number: 123456789RM0001

What if I do not have a business number?

Even if you believe you do not have one, it is worth calling the CRA to double-check. In the event that your business is not registered, a BN can be obtained online, by phone (800-959-5525), or by mailing or faxing a completed form RC1 to the nearest tax services center.

If the number is strictly for importing, Border Bee can expedite your registration.



Is it easier to declare my commercial goods as personal?

No. Per the CBSA: anything for “commercial, occupational, industrial or like use” is considered commercial goods and must be imported under a business number. Not only will the importer reserve cash flow by importing as a business–commercial imports are not subject to PST, QST or the provincial portion of HST–but Customs may not release your shipment until you are registered. Large orders and commercial wares will have a difficult time crossing the border posing as ‘personal’ goods and you may even be subject to a penalty.

In addition to paying provincial tax, personal importers are also subject to additional scrutiny and may be required to provide a receipt or proof of purchase.



Still confused? Contact us

How to Self-Clear Your Parcel with Customs

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If you got this form, you're on the right track!

If you got this form, you’re on the right track!

Border Bee receives a lot of questions from importers who wish to self-clear their packages.They want to avoid the high brokerage fees charged by courier companies, which in some cases can exceed the cost of the product. While Border Bee offers an affordable and quick alternative to paying those high courier rates without the need to leave your home–simply click here–if you are the adventurous type, please follow these instructions to self-clear your package:


How do I self-clear?

If your goods have arrived at a FedEx, UPS or DHL facility in Canada, you can self-clear the items by collecting some documents and making a trip to your local Customs office. You must wait for the goods to arrive at the warehouse before you can self-clear. The procedures vary slightly in different Customs offices, but in each case a BSO (Border Services Officer) will be there to assist you.

  1. The manifest or waybill: the courier company will need to provide this to you. It contains the shipping details of your package. Without this, Customs will not know what to release. You can request the courier company provide your documents by e-mail, although you may have to pick up a hard copy at their facility.
  2. The invoice: In order to collect the correct amount of tax on your purchase, Customs will need to see your invoice. They may also potentially ask for proof of payment (i.e. your receipt) to make sure you are declaring the right value.
  3. Take these documents to the Customs office closest to the warehouse where your goods are being held. List here. Some Customs offices have computer programs which allow you to rate your own entry. Others will require you to complete Form B15 with an agent’s assistance. You will also be asked for proof of identification. Pay the duties and taxes owing and an agent will stamp your manifest as proof of release from their control.
  4. With the stamped copy of your manifest (aka the Customs Delivery Authority), you can triumphantly return to the courier’s facility. Show them the stamped copy of the manifest and they will hand you your parcel. Some offices will submit an electronic entry for you, which will allow the goods to be released without the need to show t

Note: If you are importing cargo–air, ocean, or highway–we strongly recommend hiring a broker. If the goods have arrived at an inland sufferance warehouse, the process is the same as clearing a courier shipment. Collect the documents you need and head to Customs. However, coordinating an ocean or air clearance with a freight forwarder may leave you with an ulcer. Likewise, some highway carriers are not bonded and cannot bring your goods into the country. This means your goods may be abandoned on the wrong side of the 49th unless you are waiting at the border for it. Other bad scenarios: penalties and seizures for incorrect declarations, overpayment of duties due to improper classification and hefty storage fees for clearance delays.

What if I live far away from a Customs office?

Hire a different broker to handle the clearance for you.

Can I clear goods for someone else?

In certain cases, if provided with written authority and proof of identification, you can clear goods for an employer or a relative. You cannot, however, clear for any personal profit unless you are a licensed customs broker.

Can I self-clear goods carried by USPS/Canada Post?

All goods shipped by USPS in the United States enter the Canadian postal stream, where they are cleared by agents of the CBSA for a small fee. You cannot clear these shipments yourself. You can, however, apply to a casual refund center if you believe your declaration to be invalid. If you are a business importing goods over $2500, see here.

My courier said they will return my package unless I pay their brokerage fee, is this true?

If you are threatened with COD charges at the door, you can refuse the package and opt to self-clear. You may also hire another broker to clear your parcel at the courier’s facility, or better yet, before it arrives so you can receive it immediately.

Can I self-clear my parcel before it arrives so it can be delivered to me on the first attempt?

No. You must physically present yourself to Customs if you wish to self-clear.

Can I self-clear for my business?

Yes. Please keep in mind that if you are importing for a business, you must be registered with the CRA to do so. You can call ahead to save time (800-959-5525) or a BSO will assist you in activating your business number.



Ecommerce, Customs and You provides answers to your questions on importing goods, written by the Border Bee staff.

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