Customs visibility -- at last!

Border Bee permits importers, forwarders, freight brokers and other trade chain partners to instantly access Customs data via our API. The API itself is a web service which uses the HTTP GET transfer method with JSON messaging format for all requests to and responses from the server.

Example Request Example Response
 GET /client_id/shipments?limit=1
             "reference": "1",
                "vendorName": "TURING EXPORTS INC",
                "vendorAddress1": "1 WALL STREET",
                "vendorCityZip": "NEW YORK",
                "purchaseOrder": "1",
                "customerNumber": "10003",
                "countryOfExport": "UNY",
                "countryOfOrigin": "UNY",
                "directShipmentMode": "2",
                "directShipmentLocation": "NEW YORK",
                "currency": "CAD",
                "netWeight": 1,
                "grossWeight": 1,
                "exporterCityZip": "NEW YORK",
                "originatorName": "TURING EXPORTS INC",
                "originatorAddress1": "1 NEW YORK",
                "tariffTreatment": "2",
                "exchangeRate": 1,
                "vendorZip": "11101",
                "purchaseDate": "1950-10-31",
                "directShipmentDate": "1950-10-31",
                "invoiceSummary": {
                    "details": [
                            "id": 231788592,
                            "productNumber": "A MACHINE FOR COMPUTING",
                            "quantity": 1,
                            "valueForConversion": 2501,
                            "discount": 0,
                            "netValueForConversion": 2501,
                            "invoiceDiscountAmount": 0,
                            "vfdCode": "13",
                            "classification": "8471309090",
                            "unitOfMeasure": "NMB",
                            "unitPrice": 0,
                            "gstCode": "001",
                            "exciseRate": 0,
                            "description": "A MACHINE FOR COMPUTING",
                            "simaAmount": 0,
                            "exciseQuantity": 0,
                            "dutyRate": 0,
                            "exciseTaxQuantity": 0,
                            "dutyAmount": 0,
                            "gstAmount": 0,
                            "isRecapped": true,
                            "exciseTaxAmount": 0,
                            "countryOfOrigin": "UNY",
                            "tariffTreatment": "2",
                            "ogd": {
                                "id": 231788593,
                                "classification": "8471309090",
                                "importReason": 1,
                                "ogdType": 2,
                                "productModel": "ENIAC",
                                "productTypeSize": "HUGE",
                                "productBrand": "IBM",
                                "productNumber": "1"